Windows instructions

NVIS for Windows Test


NVIS is the Invisible Internet, a Software Defined Perimeter encrypted at layer-2 for B2B networks that are the most secure alternative to (or replacement for) your Business VPN. Ideal use for a next gen solution for remote access that cannot be hacked, sniffed, tracked or censored. Great for remote desktop, P2P site-to-site instant networks

Tester Requirements

Seeking prospective business evaluators for Beta Testing that have Windows 10, Windows 11 or Azure hardware or VMs.

Functional l Description

The table below gives the functions/commands for the NVIS for Windows app, in the recommended test sequence. NOTE: All commands below may also be done via the command line interface (CLI).


Install interactive

Installer binary

Enter Assigned Ethereum Address1

Prompt for Ethereum address

Tray Icon

tray icon/ menu, CLI=Nvis.exe -h


Icon/menu to connect to the NVIS network, CLI=Nvis.exe on


Icon/menu dialog to show current active network, CLI=Nvis.exe -s


Disconnect from the NVIS network, CLI=Nvis.exe off


Show available profiles, CLI=Nvis.exe -gl

Groups Add

Add a profile, CLI=Nvis.exe -ga

Groups OK

Select a profile, CLI=Nvis.exe -gs number

Groups Delete

Delete a profile, CLI=Nvis.exe -gd number

Groups Cancel

Cancel groups dialog, CLI=N/A


Terminate icon/tray menu, CLI=N/A

Start Launch

Install from CMD with Ethereum address argument

Command Line Interface

The NVIS Client may be run from the GUI or the command line using cmd.exe or PowerShell.exe

Test Procedures

Install interactively


Execute installer binary, e.g. nvis_windows_inst_1.53-64bit.exe

Expected Result

License pops up as shown below:

Press “I Agree” to continue

The installation location is displayed

Press “Install” to continue

The screen will go blank, and a dialog will ask if you want this software to be able to modify your system.

Answer Yes

Enter Assigned Ethereum Address1


After installation, double-click on the desktop icon you will be prompted to enter your preassigned Ethereum Address1, which is your cross-platform Universally Unique Identifier..

Expected Result

Popup will show as

Enter the assigned Ethereum address and press OK.

Tray Icon

The desktop has a popup showing tray icons, including NVIS if it is installed.


Select the up arrow on the bottom right of the desktop tray. A popup will show a small icon with the NVIS logo.

Expected Result



From the tray icon/menu, select ON.

Expected Result

When it is on the NVIS network the dialog will change to Connected.

The tray icon/menu with show ON with an asterisk:

Command Line:



Click on the Settings choice in the tray icon menu.

Expected Result

A popup will show the current profile connection settings.

Press OK or Cancel to go back to the menu.

Command Line:



Select OFF from the tray icon/menu.

Expected Result

The app disconnects from the NVIS network, and an asterisk appears to indicate it is OFF.

Command Line:



NOTE: Auto Connect is enabled by default by the installer. Open the Settings dialog and uncheck the check box hit OK and exit NVIS and restart the NVIS Client. Next, open Settings again and check the check box, hit OK and exit NVIS and restart the NVIS Client.

Expected Result

When the check-box is unchecked, NVIS Client should not automatically connect to the NVIS network when started. When the check-box is checked, the NVIS Client should automatically connect to the NVIS network.

Command Line:



Select Reset from the tray icon/menu.

Expected Result

The app resets the network adapter. If currently ON, should reconnect after reset.

Command Line:



While NVIS is OFF, the tray icon menu will allow you to select Groups. Click on it.

Expected Result

A popup will show the available list of saved profiles.

Command Line:

Groups Add

This allows you to add multiple profiles. For this test, you will be prompted for your pre-assigned Ethereum Address2.


Press the Add button.

Expected Result

Enter Ethereum Address.

You will now see the associated security context (group and IP) added to the list.

Command Line:

Groups Select (OK)

Lets you choose the active group.


Press OK

Expected Result

A dialog pops up:

Press OK

Go back the tray icon menu and press Settings. A new dialog should popup showing the new profile as the Current Settings.

Command Line:

Groups Delete

This allows you to remove a profile in the list.


Select the desired profile to remove. Press the Delete button.

Expected Result

The profile is removed from the list.

Command Line:

Groups Cancel

Close the profile list dialog.


Press the Cancel button.

Expected Result

The groups list popup closes.


Shuts down the NVIS GUI.


Press the Exit button in the tray icon menu.

Expected Result

Tray icon menu disappears.

Start Launch

Search for NVIS to launch


Go to the bottom left desktop tray. Enter NVIS.

Expected Result

The NVIS Client is displayed

Press the return key or select with the mouse.

Dialog will appear asking if you want to allow NvisClient to run on the system.

Press Yes

Tray icon will be added.



From the search menu, type “Add” and the Add or remove programs should appear:

Expected Result

Hit enter or select with the mouse “Add or remove programs.”

In the search window type Nvis then click the 3-dots, then select Uninstall:

Press Uninstall button.

Install from Command Line with Address


To install from the cmd prompt, enter the installer file name with the assigned address so there will be no prompt:

nvis_windows_inst_1.53-64bit.exe -a

Expected Result

Installation will continue normally and NOT prompt for Ethereum address, but address will be configured.

Last updated

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